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There are also some really good 3D rendering programs out there. Take a look at Poser's competition. More..

Postwork, Poser's Best Friend


Have you ever said one these 2 things after looking at some really good Poser artwork?

  1. Wow I wish I could make something like that
  2. How do they get their renders to look like that?

If you are onet of the many people who have stated things like this then I have some good news for you. People rarely make those types of creations without the need of Postwork. Yes, I said postwork. There are a few people who are really against postwork and only believe that only the truly skilled restrain from using postwork. The truth is that you will drive yourself insane and progress very little as an artist by not using postwork. There are very few things that are perfect in life the first time around with the exception of a hole-in-one in golf and winning the lotto which even requires a little luck. Learning how to edit your 3D art is a valuable skill that will allow you to go beyond many Poser artist that try to create art only through the use of Poser. If you are new to creating CG art then you are probably wondering what "postwork" is. Postwork is the editing that is done after an image has been made with a 3D rendering software like Poser.

Postwork is will actually be your best friend allowing you to create more intense artwork without having to buy specialized models in order to create effects like rain and smoke. Many times you'll have to postwork simply because your clothing may not fit your model or because the the 3D hair doesn't flow the way that you want it to because of model limitations. You may want to add special effects to an image or you may want to soften a picture. Much of the frustration that people have when first learning how to use Poser is that the render never looks like the art that is shown on the web or in the Poser art galleries. The main reason this is the case is because of the use of editing after an image as been render. The amount of editing that you'll use will all depend on what you are adding and what things need to be corrected. The best tool to use for Postwork is graphic editing software like Photoshop or Paintshop Pro.

Poser By Design has starter packs to help you get some of the best 3D models on the internet for free More..
Are you trying to decide which Poser is best for you? We have both see what we think of Poser. More..
Don't let a bad economy stop your passion Learn how to continue to get the 3D content for less. More..
Do you want to know how to create incredible looking 3D Art? It's all in the Postwork. More.. 
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